Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Strange Phenomenon That Can Result From Being Kind, Generous and Cool

By selflessly giving away all this amazing value upfront, there a strange thing happens that is very unusual and rare to be found in most other business models. The kinder, more generous and cooler you are to people by spreading and sharing your value passion to really help them, the more a subconscious bond develops between you and your prospect.

Now a really odd thing happens.....

People you have helped in this way, actually start to feel bad if they don't give you their money! Instead of your customers feeling like they are giving away their hard earned cash, they feel like they are donating you money so that you can help them more! Some may pay you a premium just to privately consult them. If you really build up credibility in your market place you may be able to command some very high prices for your private consultations alone! That's a priceless transition in their usually skeptical and often distrusting mindset.

If you do this right, you will start to get requests for interviews, seminar presentations, articles, one on one consulting, radio shows, t.v appearances, and much more all helping to boost your brand!

Put these principles into practice.  Take Action Every Day!  http://bit.ly/HBO0Ne

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hey everybody, angel valenciano here just living life. listening to music. walking the dog. and working from home... or anywhere. making the invisible, visible! making the impossible, possible! i present to you digital tools and tips for online marketing, affiliate marketing, and making money from home. enjoy mydigitaltoolbox. peace and gratitude always, angeL.