Monday, September 24, 2012

Only your future happiness is at stake

They say money can't buy you happiness.


It can sure keep you out of a lot of jams.

You know you have a choice right?

You can stay on the treadmill you're currently know, the one where you live JUST

The one you just can't seem to get off.

The one that keeps you up at night.

The one that makes you hate getting up in
the morning.

Yeah that one. I know that one very well!

That's why i can describe it as good as
I sometimes do.

But, you've heard this saying before but
it's really true:



But what the heck does that mean??

How do I change who I am?

Here's what I've figured out anyway ...

You have to stop being so freaking NEGATIVE
all the time.

Get excited about life. Get excited about
the possibilities.


I know it's scary. I've made some scary
investments in the past too.

But when they pay off..

Ooh wee.

"But how can I be positive it will pay
off if I invest?" you ask.

Here's how you can tell:

If something has a very low payoff amount; like
if you invest $5,000 but the payoff is only like
$20, that is probably guaranteed by someone

Any intelligent person can earn $20 if they
had $5,000.

If something has a potentially high payoff, for
example, you invest $5,000 and get back $10,000,
that probably is NOT going to be guaranteed.

And so it is with business opportunities. Any
REAL business opportunity does not come with
a guarantee.

But it DOES come with the potential of earning
a fortune!


Are we on the same page here?

Cool... Join me here:
Marketing Mastermind

Speak soon,

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hey everybody, angel valenciano here just living life. listening to music. walking the dog. and working from home... or anywhere. making the invisible, visible! making the impossible, possible! i present to you digital tools and tips for online marketing, affiliate marketing, and making money from home. enjoy mydigitaltoolbox. peace and gratitude always, angeL.