Sunday, August 19, 2012


by Rick Katz

Imagine right now you are in a PITCH BLACK
room. Not a shred of light.

You cannot see anything. You can't even see
your hand in front of your face.

It's very, very dark. It's creepy.

And you're starting to get scared. Your mind
starts racing imagining terrible things about to
happen to you.

All you want to do is to find the DOOR and
get the hell outta here.

But you can't find it.

You start breathing are
becoming very anxious!

You sit down and just PRAY something changes.

You wish hard that something would happen
to get you out of this situation.

Unfortunately, it does not come.

You start to wonder how did you let yourself
even get into this room in the first place.

And you know that if you EVER get out of're going to do whatever it takes
to never land in here again.

And then finally...after waiting and waiting
and worrying and panicking...


And the voice says...


You think to yourself:

Why?! Who is asking me why?! Why what?!

The voice asks again "Why?"

And then you speak. "Why what? I don't know why! I just want to get out of here!"


"Because I don't LIKE it here!"

"Then why are you here?"

And now you stop and you start searching your mind for
answers. Why AM I here you wonder. How DID I get here
you ask yourself.

You then finally realize something.

You put yourself here.

You start to remember other "voices". Voices that warned
you that this dark place was coming IF you didn't do

Maybe you were too lazy. Maybe you were too scared. Maybe you made too many excuses.

Whatever it was, your lack of taking action PUT you in this dark place.

"Okay!" you shout back at the Voice. "Okay, I see it. It was
my own fault. I should have listened before. I should have
 taken action. I should have spent time learning and asking
for help. I should have been willing to take a risk. I
shouldn't have allowed myself to get too comfortable. I
shouldn't have been so scared!"

And then...

Suddenly you see a very faint sliver of light.

Your fears start to subside.

"There is the way out. It is now up to you take the steps
toward it. Most importantly, when you get not ever
look back."

"I won't!" you say with all the conviction you have in your heart as you start toward the light.

And as you open the door wide you feel like a new person. You have new, stronger resolve!

You know in your heart that you will never again look back.

Your time is now.

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