Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's Been Lost In Our Online World?

Moving into the Digital Age and the vastness of the Internet, it seems like we as a species have become more and more connected, yet disconnected at the same time.

With the explosion of mobile devices we are able to constanly be connected to friends, family and co-workers 24/7, yet there is the human element that has been lost.

The element that has been lost is the connection we feel as humans when interacting face to face.  The expressions, the inflections in voice, the feeling of response.

Especially in the realm of internet marketing and the online world this element has been lost.

I have recently joined a small group of online marketers that have a vision to change this.  We are bringing back the human element.

We have put together a simple report that walks you through the steps of communication.  We are bringing back that element to marketing and networking.

Check it out HERE.  And please email us, Skype us, chat with  us:)  Let us know how you FEEL.

Peace always,

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hey everybody, angel valenciano here just living life. listening to music. walking the dog. and working from home... or anywhere. making the invisible, visible! making the impossible, possible! i present to you digital tools and tips for online marketing, affiliate marketing, and making money from home. enjoy mydigitaltoolbox. peace and gratitude always, angeL.